Thursday, October 7, 2010



Her soul was stuck
In the ceaseless circle
Of actions and repercussions
Of guilt and penance
Of sin and sacrament.

It wanted to escape
To pierce through her chest
And scream to the world, “I exist”
To indulge, to sin.
Absolution, it said.

She auctioned away her scruples in the market
and bargained herself some free sin.
Sin, unaccounted for
Sin, they said, that even the Gods will overlook.

She sinned.
She fed her soul with all its desires
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth
Wrath, Envy, Pride
All of that, and some more.

Her soul was happy.
But it demanded more.

Now she is back at the market,
looking for more sin.
This time, she is ready to pay for it
This time, she will trade it with her body.
And she will sin again.
If her soul wants it, a hundred times over.
And God-
he can close his gates.
